Unit Access Rights for Condominium Associations

Whether they know it or not, all condominium unit owners in Georgia have given their associations access rights to their units. This may come as a surprise to new condominium unit owners, but this authority is promulgated by the Georgia Condominium Act, O.C.G.A. § 44-3-70, et seq. (the "Act").

2020-03-02T17:50:55-05:00December 2019|

Buying and Selling: Community Association Edition

Most community associations in Georgia are nonprofit corporations subject to the Georgia Nonprofit Corporation Code (the “Nonprofit Code”). Coupled with an association’s governing documents, the foregoing statute essentially authorizes a community association to buy and sell real property. In most cases, this is usually in the context of adding to or selling off a portion of the association’s common area(s).

2019-12-16T18:41:16-05:00November 2019|

To Catch a Criminal: License Plate Readers

Although community associations should not provide security, many are looking for new ways to address criminal activity. One trend gaining popularity is the use of license plate readers. License plate readers are cameras that capture still images of a vehicle's license plate as the vehicle drives by.

2019-11-12T13:27:48-05:00October 2019|

Association Budget FAQs

It’s that time of year again! As associations gear up for annual meeting season, many boards of directors and managers are reviewing account records and projected expenses to create their association’s budget for next year.

2019-09-19T11:57:21-04:00August 2019|

Enforcing Community Covenants—Options and Procedures

Just like a board of directors for any corporation, directors on community association boards owe certain responsibilities to the corporate entity they serve: the association. One of the most important board responsibilities, other than ensuring the association is properly funded, is to enforce the community's covenants.

2019-06-20T01:35:16-04:00March 2019|
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